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Levers and Barriers to Social Mobility: Dimensions of Well-being (HBS Project)

Linha temática: Social Mobility and Opportunities
Situação: finalizado
Parceria: Oppen Social

In previous studies using data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNADC), we discussed levers and barriers to the social mobility of children and adolescents in Brazil, exploring inequalities between those in the highest social strata compared to those in situation of poverty.

Following the theme, we sought to build new indicators based on the Household Budget Survey (HBS), through which it would be possible to explore more deeply the consumption and spending profile, as well as the quality of life of families from different social strata. In this way, it becomes possible to carry out diagnoses that point out gaps between the poor and the rich that can be filled through social policies.

Through these indicators, we seek to understand more about topics such as the composition of expenses and income, food consumption, education expenses, restriction of access to health and public utility services, financial difficulties, availability and use of financial services, tax payments and receipt of transfers, transportation, leisure, travel, among others. Thus, we were able to map new knowledge about levers or barriers to social mobility.

Learn about the results of this study: panel of indicators, presentation .