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Monetary poverty of children and adolescents in Brazil: 2020-2021


Author: IMDS and Oppen Social

Edition: 1st

Published in: January 2023

IMDS revisits and updates the indicators of monetary poverty in Brazil from the new microdata of the Continuous PNAD. Keeping the collection updated and being attentive to relevant issues are part of our institutional commitment. Hence, we provide this presentation that discusses the poverty figures for this portion of the population in a period of great concern for society and public policy managers – the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The presentation “Monetary poverty of children and adolescents in Brazil: 2020-2021” analyzes the characteristics of household income and conditions for the development of skills of individuals between 0 and 17 years of age, in 2021, comparing the poor population with those belonging to households among the 20% highest incomes. With this objective, the aim is to articulate information that helps in the definition of interventions to reduce inequalities, providing greater social mobility.

We hope that the material will be one more input providing scholars and interested managers with contents that help in the construction of public policies and social programs capable of reducing social inequalities.

Enjoy the reading!