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Monetary poverty in Brazil: 2019-2020


Author: IMDS and Oppen Social

Edition: 2nd

Published in: April 2022

IMDS revisits and updates monetary poverty indicators in Brazil based on new data from the 2020 Continuous PNAD. Keeping the collection up to date and being aware of these relevant topics are part of our institutional commitment. Therefore, we make available this presentation that discusses the numbers of poverty considering the population as a whole in a period of great concern for the society and public policy managers – the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The presentation ‘Monetary poverty in Brazil: 2019-2020’ shows that, despite the great challenges of the period, there was a reduction in poverty in the country. The figures also suggest the importance played by public policy in such a time of crisis. This is because the transfer of disposable income through Emergency Aid played a crucial role in alleviating poverty in 2020.

We hope that the material will be one more input to equip interested scholars and managers, with content that helps in the construction of public policies and social programs capable of reducing inequalities and increasing social mobility.