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Abandonment and dropout of adolescents and young people: National territory scenario


Author: IMDS and Oppen Social

Edition: 1st

Published in: May 2022

Part of the set of studies whose thematic axis is school abandonment and dropout, this presentation highlights the main points found from the territorialization of indicators constructed based on INEP data. In the search to understand the formation of human capital of children, adolescents and young people in the country, the results presented here characterize the spatial distribution of the problem.

The findings offer an overview of abandonment and dropout throughout the period between 2009 and 2019, explaining in which periods and stages of teaching the problem is more acute. The differences by area of the schools and characteristics of the students, such as gender, skin color or race, and years of lag, are also explored.

Finally, the presentation seeks to detail the distribution of indicators within each territorial unit, i.e., it looks at the inequality of abandonment among public schools for each Unit of the Federation, mesoregion and microregion. Once again, differences in results for school and student clippings are explored.