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Webinar discusses effects of the pandemic on health, education and welfare

Published by Folha de S.Paulo - UOL in 11/06/2021

On June 17, IMDS (Institute for Mobility and Social Development) will host the webinar Effects of Covid-19: the post-pandemic in health, education and welfare. The event, with the support of ​Folha, will be broadcast from 2.00 to 4.00 pm (Brasilia time) on this link.

Arminio Fraga (economist, former president of the Central Bank and columnist for Folha), Wanda Engel (former Welfare Minister), Rudi Rocha (professor at FGV and director of Ieps, Institute of Health Policy Studies) participate in the debate, together with Maria Helena Guimarães (President of the National Education Council and former Executive Secretary of the MEC), to discuss the effects of the health crisis in these three sensitive areas for public policies. Datafolha surveys showed that, in December, Brazilians considered health the main problem in the country and that around 4 million students between 6 and 34 years of age dropped out of their study programs in 2020, a year marked by quarantine and interruption of face-to-face classes

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