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Does Bolsa Família work?

Published by Diario de Pernambuco in 18/09/2023

Does Bolsa Família lift people out of dependence on social programs and promote social mobility? A survey carried out by the Institute for Mobility and Social Development (IMDS) shows that 64% of beneficiaries aged 7 to 16 in 2005 were no longer in CadÚnico in 2019, but employability did not necessarily improve due to the program and results differ substantially when considering the economic conditions of each region.

IMDS developed a study on the reality of the beneficiaries in 2005 and their characteristics in 2019. The results vary by region: in the South of the country, the number of people who left CadÚnico was 74%, while in the Northeast, the worst of the results, it was 58%, for a national average of 64%. The percentage of municipalities with an exit rate from CadÚnico above the national average is only 5% in the Northeast region, while in the South region it is 87%.

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